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Kilmore Quay
Site Significance:
Although this structure is not recorded, it is of architectural, historical, and social importance. A desk study of Ordnance Survey maps suggests how Tigín came to be. The first edition Ordnance Survey map of Wexford (1829-1842) indicated that Tigín may have been part of a larger complex. According to residents the larger complex was originally residential, that later became a hotel known as ‘Whites’. Today it is known as The Wooden House. 1842 to 1888 Ordnance Survey map shows a separation in the building creating an elongated structure. This newly separated structure may have served as a residence to many including a local farmer/fisherman known as ‘Matt the Shuffler’, who provided a place for the working man to meet outside the hours of the hotel, functioning as a Síbín of sorts.
Tigín is adjacent to the Saltee Islands SAC, which comprises of two islands known as Great Saltee and Little Saltee and a sizable portion of the surrounding seas. The islands are positioned approximately 5km from Tigín. Collectively they form a broken reef that projects from a seabed of sand and shell. The reef has a north-east/south-west orientation and is typically strewn with boulders, cobbles and patches of sand and gravel. The Special Area of Conservation (SAC) is selected for the following habitats and or species listed on Annex I / II of the E.I. Habitats Directive.
Anú Heritage Role:
- Condition Survey
- Architectural Heritage Impact Assessment
- Conservation Method Statement include techniques, specifications, material recommendations
- Contractor Selection
- Site trails and exemplars of conservation methods /materials for mortar, renders and plasters
- Conservation After Care Plan
- Liaison with general builder and heritage contractor Heritage and Tourism grant applications
Historic Fabric material:
Tempered Clay, Red brick, rubble stone, clay quicklime rich mortars, metal, shuttered concrete, wood, cement, and thatch.
Repair materials:
Hot Mixes, including pozzolans, NHL’s, sand and aggregate selection.
Project Details
Aidan Kent Engineering & Architecture
Component of Kilmore Quay, Co. Wexford Vernacular Street Scape, no legal protection has been assigned to this structure or street scape
c. 1829-1842